Retail is a calendar

The most successful retail entrepreneurs I know are frequently creating events for people to come into their shop.

The physical premises are less important than the reason or incentive for the customer to cross the threshold.

The same physical premises might have great or terrible stock turn – and it all depends on the ability of the entrepreneur to create reasons for the customer to enter.

On that basis retail is the same as event design.

From there it’s just a question of leverage. What advertising methods can we use to reach customers to inform them of the event and the payoff.

The market will decide for itself who is meant to be your customer.

The Kaizen diet

The concept of Kaizen suggests that one should make continual miniscule improvements in order to yield a long term result.

I am all for this idea, and wonder how it would apply to dieting.

On the face of the earth there are many forms of produce, and many cultures have derived ways to extract nutrition from them.

What is the way that I can best nourish myself and others? Is there a way?

Eat local, but how local?

How specific can I get and should I get with nutrition?

What’s the most I can derive from the least? How can I make myself full?

Continual improvements in self-sustaining food preparation, planning and processing.

How can one go from this to nourishing family or a community?

What impact might this have on reducing carbon emissions?

How scientific can one get?

If the whole world’s a garden, and no rules are written, and one remains curious,

Then refinement of food and flavour yield a bounty of opportunities. Imagination plus produce.