Creating a Decentralised Operating Plan Using the LSS Document, Or: The Art of Setting Up a Cot

It seriously disturbs me that the vast majority of businesses have almost no documented operating systems. While I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I lose sleep over it, and it is unlikely ever to lead to total societal collapse, it worries me in the background way that certain scratching behind a wall can be heard subconsciously in the depth of night.

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How Much Will The Average Vegan Save the NZ Government by 2050?

A few weeks ago I wrote an article about the amount of beef and lamb consumed domestically compared with international exports. The article involved much mathematics but was still insufficient to slake my number nerd thirst – so this week I have written an article that calculates the value that an average vegan will save the NZ Government by the year 2050.

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How Day & Night ICPs Allow for Strategic Power Use

The dry winter has resulted in low levels of hydroelectric energy generation, forcing NZ to rely more on other energy sources, in turn forcing the wholesale price of energy through the roof. The full effect of this will be felt over the next few months as energy retailers start to pass on their additional costs to households and businesses.

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