Using social media to save on meat

I’m still tossing up the idea of going vegetarian – despite the health benefits and value benefits, and the fact that I’ve done it successfully for a year and a half before, logistically it would be quite difficult. Unfortunately I am part of a family that, while they tolerate my other eco-friendly activities, if I forced them to go even partially vegetarian they would openly mutiny.

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Our plan to cut winter heating costs by 67%

I like to think of a motel as one big eternal cost-cutting operation. The way we can afford to pay our staff more is by keeping overheads as low as possible.

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Winter energy consumption planning

Last year, because of the dry winter and its concomitant effect on hydroelectric energy generation, New Zealand burned its way through a significant portion of its coal reserves, resulting in the release of significant amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. At the household level, because of massive pressure on household winter energy consumption, winter energy bills shot through the roof, leaving families across the country out of pocket if they didn’t plan ahead and budget.

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Pros and cons of ebikes for seniors

The other day while I stopping by at a local cafe a gentleman buttonholed me before I got on my bike and asked whether I thought the ebike I was riding would be suitable for a senior. He clarified that a lady he knew had recently suffered dementia and as a result had lost her license. She was 69 years old with no form of transportation.

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