Solar Panels on an Overcast Day vs Solar Panels on a Sunny Day

It’s a miserable, shitty, overcast day here in Otaki, and what better way to use it than to generate some fodder for my blog. And I had hoped to put my washing out today – oh well. At least one silver lining in this is I get to get some forward intel to help me plan ahead for the winter months, to see how our energy use will be affected.

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My brother, the secret electricity hog

One of the unexpected side advantages of solar power is it gives you the opportunity to keep a careful watch on your whole family’s energy consumption. At least insofar as it makes their energy consumption habits a bit more conspicuous.

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Ammeters: The First Step In Going Solar

For guys my age, solar power systems are the equivalent of a model train set. We know we’re too old for this shit, but we can kind of get away with it, because it helps the household save money and it’s also in the interests of the environment. Here’s why ammeters are a critical piece of the puzzle.

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